Map Receptacles and Packages to a PPMODI Pallet

Some consolidators prefer to group international receptacles onto a pallet and then hand the pallet off to the USPS for delivery to an International Service Center (ISC).  At the ISC, the pallet is opened and the receptacles sent on to their destination countries.  The USPS terms this service Pallet Priority Mail Open & Distribute for International (PPMODI).

 Use the following instructions to create a PPMODI pallet, map receptacles to it, and add it to the current dispatch:

Create a PPMODI Pallet

  1. On the Default Shipment page, click Create Receptacle. GSS displays the Receptacle Information page.  
  2. Click the PMOD tab to display it.
  3. From the Receptacle Type list, select International PMOD Pallet.  
  4. Enter the number of pallets you want to create, and  then click Create New PMOD Receptacle and Print Label.

Create Receptacles

  1. On the Default Shipment page, click Create Receptacle.  GSS displays the Receptacle Information page.
  2. Click the Direct Country tab to select it (if it is not the default).
  3. From the Rate Type list, select an international service level.  Then select the Foreign Office of Exchange and the Receptacle Type.
  4. Confirm (or modify) the Date of Mailing, enter any remaining information, and then click Create New Receptacle and Print Label.
  5. Repeat for any additional receptacles that you wish to create.

Map Packages to the Receptacles

Depending on your location's preferred workflow, you can use the Default Shipment page to perform piece-to-sack mapping or use the Scan Only feature of GSS to map packages to receptacles using a barcode scanner. Refer to the following help topics for more information:

Map Receptacles to the PPMODI Pallet

  1. On the Default Shipment page, locate the receptacle in the Receptacles section.
  2. In that receptacle's row, select the PPMODI pallet's Receptacle ID from the Parent Receptacle list.
  3. Click Set Parent Receptacle to map the receptacle to the PPMODI pallet.
  4. Repeat for any additional receptacles that you are placing on the PPMODI pallet.

Map Packages Directly to the PPMODI Pallet

In a situation where a consolidator has a custom single-piece rate agreement with the USPS for ISC acceptance, but does not want to transport packages to the ISC themselves, it is possible to map individual international packages directly to a PPMODI pallet and then hand the pallet off to the USPS for transportation to the ISC.  This may be done for packages with service levels that do not require piece-to-sack mapping (such as PMI, PMEI, or FCPIS).   However, most PMOD pallet dispatches will involve Pre-Sort Drop Shipment service levels where this situation does not apply.

To map individual international packages to a PPMODI pallet, follow your location's procedure for mapping packages to a receptacle using the Default Shipment or the Scan Only feature and the PPMODI pallet's Receptacle ID.

Add the PPMODI Pallet to the Current Dispatch

  1. On the Default Shipment page, locate the PPMODI pallet in the Receptacles section.
  2. Click the pallet's check box to select it, and then click Add to Dispatch.  GSS moves the pallet and all of its associated receptacles and packages into the current dispatch.
  3. Repeat for any additional PPMODI pallets (or other receptacles) that you wish to add to the dispatch.

Remove the PPMODI Pallet from the Current Dispatch

If necessary, you may remove the PPMODI pallet from the current dispatch by going to the Current Dispatch page, locating the pallet's row and clicking the "X".  The PPMODI pallet and all of its mapped receptacles and packages will be removed from the current dispatch and placed back into the Default Shipment.

Note:  You cannot remove individual international receptacles or packages from the PPMODI pallet once it is in the current dispatch.  You must move the PPMODI pallet back to the Default Shipment and edit its contents from that page.