Default Shipment

The Default Shipment screen shows the packages and receptacles that you have added to GSS. This screen allows you to do the following:

Create a New Receptacle

To add a new receptacle to the default  shipment, click the Create Receptacle link to open the Receptacle Information page.

Refer to the Receptacle Information help topic for additional information.

Scan a Receptacle Label

If your mailer location creates its own Receptacle IDs and labels, you can scan the receptacle label into GSS and add it to the default shipment.

Click the Scan Receptacle link to display the Scan Receptacle page.

See the Scan Receptacle help topic for additional information.

Search for a Package in the Default Shipment

If the default shipment contains a large number of packages, it is much easier to locate a specific package in the Package List by searching for its Package ID rather than scrolling through and trying to locate it visually.

To search for a package, enter its Mailer Package ID or USPS Package ID in the field and then click Search for a Package.  The Package List adjusts to display the package's highlighted row.

Remove a Package or Receptacle from the Default Shipment

To remove a package or receptacle from the list on the Default Shipment screen, locate it in the Package or Receptacle List and then click the "X" delete button in its row.

If you would like to add a package back after deleting it, you should re-scan the package's barcode. GSS retrieves the package's information and adds it back into the Packages List. Because labels have already been printed for the package, you will not be able to modify its information.

Update the Weight for a Package

Sometimes the weight information provided for the package is incorrect.  For accurate postage calculation, you must update the package weight.

A package is eligible to have its weight updated if:

Look up the package by locating it in the Package List, and click its Package ID to view its information.  (Alternately, you can scan its barcode on the What Would You Like to Do? page.)  Update the package's weight and then click the Update Package Weight button.  

For international packages, GSS reprints the package label.  You should place the new mailing label over the original one, so that the original label does not show.  Do the same for any other labels that have been adhered to the package.  If the other original  labels are in a plastic sleeve, discard the original labels and place the remaining new labels in the plastic sleeve..

For domestic labels, GSS records the new package weight but does not print new labels.

Set Receptacle ID and Perform Piece-to-Sack Mapping

Most consolidators perform piece-to-sack mapping, which requires that each package be associated with a specific Receptacle ID (added to a receptacle).

To add a package to a receptacle:

  1. Select the appropriate Receptacle ID from the Set Receptacle drop-down list. Packages that are eligible to be placed in that receptacle show enabled check boxes.
  2. Select the check box next to the package's row. You can select multiple packages (or all packages destined for a specific country) and add them all to the receptacle at the same time.
  3. Click the Add to Receptacle button. For each package you selected, GSS displays the Receptacle ID in its row to show that it has been added to the receptacle.

To remove a package from a receptacle, click Remove, located in the package's row beneath its associated Receptacle ID.

Note:  For information about mapping international receptacles to pallets, refer to the Map Receptacles to PPMODI Pallets help topic.

Add a Package or Receptacle to the Open Dispatch

To add a receptacle to the dispatch, locate its Receptacle ID the Receptacle List and click its check box to select it. All packages associated with that receptacle will be selected automatically. Click the Add to Dispatch button. You will be directed to the Current Dispatch screen.

To add one (or more) individual packages to the dispatch, locate the package(s) in the Packages List. If you are sending packages to several countries, you may need to click the "+" next to its destination country to expand the list. Click the package's check box to select it. Click the Add to Dispatch button to add the selected package(s) to the open dispatch. You will be directed to the Current Dispatch screen.

Tip: If you want to select all packages for a certain destination country, you can select the check box next to the destination country name to automatically select all of its packages.

Note: Each dispatch containing IPA or ISAL packages must include at least one receptacle or the dispatch cannot be closed.

Reprint a Receptacle Label

On the Default Shipment page, locate the receptacle that needs its label reprinted in the list of receptacles and then click its Receptacle ID link to go to the Receptacle Information page.

You may be able to edit some receptacle information, such as weight.  Make any necessary changes to the receptacle information and then click Reprint Label.

Affix the new label to the receptacle tag, ensuring that the new receptacle label completely covers the old one.

View Reports

The Shipment Summary Report shows the receptacles and packages grouped by destination country for a shipment. Click the Shipment Summary button to display the report.

The Shipment Detail Report shows information about the shipment itself as well as details about each package in the shipment. Click the Shipment Detail button to display the report.